Isuzu Pulls Out of 2006 Detroit NAIAS

The jokes about that headline are numerous, so we'll avoid them...
On Saturday, the Detroit News published that Isuzu Motors America will not be displaying its product at the 2006 Detroit North American International Autoshow.
This marks the first time that Isuzu will not display vehicles at the show, but it's not the first step in such a decline. Three years ago, Isuzu's display moved from the back of the first level of Cobo Hall, to a small, rudimentary stand in the basement.
Isuzu's reasoning is that Detroit isn't a large volume market for their sales, and will therefore focus their marketing on cities where the company is moderately more successful.
The downside is that these shows are smaller, or independant in nature - and have little to none of the press exposure that NAIAS has.
man who cares?? Isuzu was never cool anyway. I say good ridance and turn to the more space for something cool, like a place to offroad some trucks!!
With all due respect, sir, your comment has shown you to be very ignorant of the history and value of Isuzu Motors America.
When it comes to North American production, I agree - end the light duty production now. There's really little of value.
But surely you know of how Isuzu has carried GM's arse in commercial markets, no? I'm betting you know that their medium duty cabovers have sustained the North American commercial lineup throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and continue to do so today.
I'm certain you're aware that in many other markets, especially in Latin America and in Africa, almost all commercial trucks badged as Chevrolets are merely Isuzus.
I'm also certain that you know that the Duramax 6.6L V8, something many pickup aficiandos love, was designed mainly by Isuzu.
I'm positive you know that the Chevy Colorado was primarly designed by Isuzu.
I'm also certain you're 100% knowledgable for all the instances that GM's raped Isuzu for product to sell here in the states, while blocking their own importation and sales network.
All I ask is that you show a little more knowledge before you rant off like that. And then perhaps I'll consider writing about Rancho lifts and KC lamps. Until then, I'm keeping this page what it is - A HISTORICAL AND NEWS BLOG.
This is a brand of GM Trucks. This is News. Thus it fits.
Thank you.
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