What's Happening?

Even though things may seem to be slow here at the (unofficial) GMT Blog, things are progressing in a positive manner. It's just that - like the evolution of the RTS 03 to 04 - they're not nessecarily visible at a quick glance.
However, I hope that they'll continue to improve your visits to this page.
While the use of broadband continues to grow in residential households, there are still many who do not have a high-speed connection - myself included. As a result, rather than bombarding you with half a page of text, and 4 or more pictures, I've adopted an expandible post link.
If you're reading this, you've just experienced it. On the bottom of each post will be a link entitled 'Read More'. Click on that, and you'll be transfered to the permanent page for that posting, which contains the article and photography in their entirety.
All new postings will have no more than two photographs before the 'cut', as to lower initial load times for all visitors. A maximum of four posts initially load on the main page. Any others can be accessed through 'Recent Postings' and 'Archives' on the right-hand sidebar.
I've also gone ahead and eliminated the Haloscan TrackBack feature. I was hoping this would allow people to blog from this site, yet it offered more drawbacks than solutions - particuarly in terms of posting comments.
The Blogger comment system has been re-instated, and available at your whim. Click on the 'Comments' link at the end of each post, and a window shall pop-up for viewing old notes and creating your own.
You don't have to be a Blogger member to post a comment; however, you do need complete a word check before finalizing posting. No big deal. Perhaps someday I'll include spam robots in the site's demographics, but not at this time.
I'd really like to know what your opinion of the site is. I've tried to strike an attractive blend that's easy to use, read, and quick to load. While it seems to work for me, I'd like to know what your take on it is.
Feel free to comment on any thing that gets your attention.
Thanks again,
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